The United Kingdom has expressed its full support for the fight against corruption by the Muhammadu Buhari administration, saying that the fight is important for the growth and transformation of Nigeria.
This was made known by the UK Minister for International Development, Nick Hurd, who noted that the UK Prime Minister, David Cameron, was making efforts to also rid their country of corruption.
This is coming on the heels of recent media report by an international paper that the UK government was dissatisfied with the Buhari government’s use of foreign aid intended to fight Boko Haram which was allegedly used to prosecute Buhari’s political foes.
While asking the Nigerian government to embark on public sector reforms, Hurds stated that: “We have been very active in supporting President Muhammadu Buhari`s campaign against corruption in Nigeria and we think it is fundamental to transform the future of the country.”
“We fully support priorities that the President has given to tackling corruption in Nigeria.”
“We feel that corruption is absolutely the right priority and we want to support him in that.”
He also called on the Nigerian government to make corruption less attractive to workers and to put in place effective accounting systems for public officials.
“We think corruption holds Nigeria back and for every pound that is taken out of the public system through corruption, is a pound that could be spent educating children.”
“It is a pound that could be spent educating girls and developing the health system that the country can be proud of.”
“That is the kind of attitude that we would like to encourage and, therefore, we support the President in that.”
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