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For the newly married: Dos and dont's of matrimonial conversations

If you are looking out for someone at the moment, here are a few things that you should know whether at all to speak about or no

When it comes to talking about marriage, you maybe excited about knowing the other person. However, there is a fine line between knowing someone and intruding into their life. To make sure that your matrimonial conversations are smooth and easy-going, here are a few basic rules to follow —

1. Don't give away too much information in the first few conversations.

2. You should start talking about 'normal' things before you decide onto moving to conversations with deeper meaning.

3. Don't give out too many negative details about your life

4. Do not keep ranting about your own problems. Give the other person a chance to state theirs.

5. Restrict talking for hours at end. Giving a day's break in between is ideal. This will give you enough topics to discuss and won't get you bored of each other.

6. The first three to four weeks should be talking about common interests, likes and dislikes, hobbies etc.

7. Give your conversation at least six months of time, before you meet him/her face-to-face. Knowing someone takes time and you must rightfully give that time to the person you are talking to as well as yourself.

8. Do not indulge in any physical conversations until and unless you are absolutely sure that you would like to take things forward with the concerned person.

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